

B.C. Tugboat News

The Robert Allan Z-Tech Design: Twenty Years & Counting

By: Robert G Allan P.Eng(ret), FSNAME, FRINA Executive Chairman, Robert Allan Ltd. Over the past two to three decades a few different tug designs have surfaced to test the waters of the ship-handling world. Some have died a quiet and worthy death; others have found...

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Revitalizing British Columbia’s Maritime Sector

The B.C. Maritime Industries Infrastructure Modernization and Expansion Grant Program The maritime industry in British Columbia has long been a cornerstone of the province’s economy, and the ongoing implementation of the B.C. Maritime Industries Infrastructure...

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The Robert Allan Z-Tech Design: Twenty Years & Counting

By: Robert G Allan P.Eng(ret), FSNAME, FRINA Executive Chairman, Robert Allan Ltd. Over the past two to three decades a few different tug designs have surfaced to test the waters of the ship-handling world. Some have died a quiet and worthy death; others have found...

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Revitalizing British Columbia’s Maritime Sector

The B.C. Maritime Industries Infrastructure Modernization and Expansion Grant Program The maritime industry in British Columbia has long been a cornerstone of the province’s economy, and the ongoing implementation of the B.C. Maritime Industries Infrastructure...

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